Farther, faster, together.

About me:

I was once called a “take no prisoners denmother”. I took that to mean I can get shit done AND have empathy.

After a lot of hand wringing, I have come to the realization that everyone I have asked wants to do the right thing and save the planet from global warming, but find it hard to understand where they can effectively make a dent. The tasks seem too big, and the largest impacts lie with industry and global leadership or lack thereof. Where do I start ? What do we do? How can collective pressure be applied and in what areas?

By many accounts and sources we have 10 years, or less, to turn a very large ship around and avoid a global catastrophe. This blog intends to share manageable insights and methods that will help you to join the combat global warming on a daily level. or may link you to others through collective action.

I am not a scientist, or environmentalist, but I know we have a problem and we all own the solution to it.

This year I look forward to finding and sharing concrete actions each of us can take going forward, as well as creating this online community to share and learn within. Please Join me !